Study in Sweden 

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Participating Universities | About SIREUS | Study in Sweden | ​​​​​​​

Study in Sweden Event ALUMNI

In addition to the SIREUS Study in Sweden event, three Alumni gatherings were held in Washington, D.C., New York, and Siicon Valley. Graduates from Sweden's top universities had the opportunity to connect with Swedish university representatives, network, and enjoy food and drinks from local chefs and bakeries. These successful events highlighted the impact and lasting impression of studying in Sweden.

Washington D.C.

House of Sweden

New York


Silicon Valley

Nordic Innovation House

Participating universities:

Do you want to study in Sweden?

Sweden boasts a population of 10 million, is home to 5,000 nature reserves, and its capital, Stockholm, is second only to Silicon Valley in the number of million-dollar companies per capita. Join us to discover more about the unique Swedish approach to education and its countless advantages. The country boasts several top-ranked universities and institutions known for their excellence in various fields, including science, technology, engineering, and the humanities.


SIREUS(Students, Innovators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs between the US and Sweden), is a collaboration project between The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce (SACC-USA) and 13 Swedish universities, focused on knowledge exchange in innovation, science, and entrepreneurship, as well as talent mobility for students and researchers between Sweden and the U.S.


Do you have any questions about the event?

Please feel free to contact Oskar Svensson: [email protected]