United States

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The United States of America

The United States of America is the world's fourth-largest country by land area (9.8 million square kilometers) and it is the third most populous country in the world, with more than 331 million people. Sweden has a land area of 0.450 million square kilometers and has 10.4 million people. So, Sweden is only 4% of the size of the US and has only 3% of the population compared with the US. How can Sweden and Swedish businesses have an impact on the US marketplace? Surprisingly, Sweden directly supports more than 367 000 jobs in the United States and is the overall 13th largest investor in the United States. Learn more on www.swedencreatesusjobs.com

When it comes to business networks in the United States, Sweden has established one of the largest bilateral business networks in the US. The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce, consist of 19 Regional Chambers across the nation represented by SACC-USA, www.sacc-usa.org
Map of SACC LocationsMap of SACC Locations
Map of SACC Locations

United States

Capital: Washington, DC

Population: 332,403,650

Geography: 9.8 million square kilometers. World's fourth-largest country by land area.

Education: Students normally attend 12 grades of study over 12 calendar years of primary/elementary and secondary education before graduating and earning a diploma that makes them eligible for admission to higher education. Education is mandatory until age 16 (18 in some states).