SIREUS is a platform for increased talent mobility and knowledge exchange between Sweden and the U.S. in innovation, science, and entrepreneurship.

SIREUS, a collaboration between The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce (SACC-USA), Swedish universities and American universities, focuses on knowledge exchange in innovation, science, and entrepreneurship, as well as talent mobility for students and researchers between Sweden and the U.S.   

​​​​​​​The initiative builds on SACC-USA’s bilateral business and talent network and addresses needs identified in collaboration with Swedish universities. The Embassy of Sweden in Washington, D.C., and the Swedish Institute support the project through advice, resources and contacts.   
With increased global competition and an accelerating pace of innovation, attracting skilled talent is incresingly important to secure long-term economic growth. Conversely, the lack of relevant skills is one of the biggest obstacles to growth. A skilled workforce can be achieved through domestic education, by attracting foreign talent, or by individuals studying abroad or gaining experience in another country.   

As part of the project, joint activities will be carried out between the universities and the private sector to increase the exchange of students, researchers, and experts, as well as knowledge exchange in innovation, science and entrepreneurship between Sweden and the U.S. The mission is to strengthen bilateral cooperation and secure the competence needs of tomorrow and promote Sweden as a nation of knowledge.   ​​​​​​​
SIREUS' goals:  
  • To strengthen the collaboration and exchange between Swedish and American universities.   
  • To strengthen the bilateral collaboration in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.  
  • To strengthen Sweden’s attractiveness as a study destination for American students and researchers.  
Activities may include:   
  • Designing and implementing an information portal with bilateral programs, courses, and internships.  
  • Creating both digital and physical meeting places for researchers, companies, students, and investors. 
  • Encouraging collaboration between Swedish universities and the companies associated with SACC-USA’s nineteen regional chambers in the U.S.   
  • Identifying and developing Swedish-American student exchange programs, internship programs, and research collaboration programs.   
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the exchange programs by facilitating internships for Swedes in the U.S and Americans in Sweden. 
  • Recruiting more full-time students to Sweden by marketing Sweden as a destination for studies combined with internships at Swedish companies. 
  • Conducting an inventory of private and public scholarships for studies and research in both countries. 
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange between academic leaderships in both countries.   

Do you want to know more?

​​​​​​​Contact information

House of Sweden
2900 K St NW, Suite 402
Washington, D.C 20007
[email protected]
Phone number
+1 (202) 415 1899​​​​​​​
+1 (703) 405 8255